Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27, 2013

  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds.
  • 15% of high school students seriously consider suicide in the past 12 months and 7% reported making at least one suicide attempt.
  • The most obvious form of bullying is Physical Bullying.
  • Physical bullying: Physical contact to hurt or injure someone (hitting, kicking, etc.) This also includes taking and destroying things from the victim. This is an easier type of bullying to define as it leaves actual marks. 
  • Verbal Bullying :Bullying that causes emotional hurt, instead of (or in addition to) physical bullying. For example – name calling, offensive remarks, jokes, threats or otherwise putting someone down and intimidating someone else verbally.
  • Exclusion/Social Alienation: Being excluded or left out purposefully is another type of bullying. It often includes spreading rumors and other forms of verbal bullying. 
  • Cyber- Bullying :Verbal bullying that takes place on the internet, with cell phones or other forms of social media.
  • Gossip/ Rumors: Another type of verbal abuse taking place anywhere. Talking about someone behind their back, spreading rumors about someone, or excluding them from a "clique". 

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